Community Assistance Fund

Since 2016, the Conservancy underwent administrative and leadership revolution that saw new energetic and focused youth assuming the leadership of the Board and injected in fresh blood and ideas to steer forward the organization. Flaws on operations and revenue collections were assessed and intricately reviewed to deliver results.That saw the conservancy doubling revenue from the Year 2017 and by 2019, the revenue was up by over 400% compared to 2016. This offered the Board avenue to initiate community social benefits projects and Bursary Scheme was among them.
  1. Patients with huge unsettled bills in referral hospitals
  2. Funeral expenses
  3. Catastrophic situations e.g food relief during drought, accidents, etc
  4. Schools and churches' requests for activities' financial support
  5. Loss of property e.g fire
  6. Youth sports activities' financial support
  7. Youth and women groups support

The fund had been allocated KES 3M in the Year 2017 but with increasing demands, it has doubled with time.

The Conservancy is standing out, as a reliable entity to the community to bail out locals in difficult situations.