The Executive Board - The Board Officials
The Members of the Board
The members of the Board are 15 in total (this includes the officials/executives) representing 15 settlement zones. The Board has 4 subcommittees each with a chairperson and 4 members namely the Lands & Natural Resources Management, Finance, Security, and Tourism subcommittees. The Board reports to the community. They are elected every 3yrs. They can serve a maximum of 2 terms (6 yrs). Gender parity, and inclusion of youth, marginalized groups, and the disabled are observed.
We also have a 14 members Grazing Committee which is independent of the Board, they are elected in herding zones that keep livestock apart from Town Zone where people lead enterprising commercial activities. The committee works with the Conservancy's Grazing Coordinator (one of the HoDs) who reports to the Manager. The committee is mainly focusing on rangelands management and grazing plans. We shall inform more on the committee on Rangelands Management accessed by following this Menu: Programmes>Operations>Sustainable Rangelands