Kalama Conservancy conducted Ranger recruitment on Fri 3rd Mar 2023, for Kiltamany Zone for the replacement of the one whose service was terminated.
The Conservancy since last year when it recruited 9 new rangers (2 ladies and 7 gents), adopted a doctrine of rigorous recruitment that resembles that of the disciplined forces to get the best befitting candidates, unlike the direct appointment by the Board members which from experience was brewing godfather syndrome affecting discipline and command of the seniors. The NRT supported Manyani Law Enforcement Academy training last year for 11 rangers upped the ante, and value addition to the general status of the force.
KWS, OCS, ACC, Area Chief, and a Medic for health screening were involved in the exercise and no bias in the entire process.
The candidates for recruitment are selected by zonal community members' public participation conducted by the Board's Security Subcommittee, weeks prior.
With Kind Regards